Telling white lies to kids can...

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Telling white lies to kids can be damaging, survey finds

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:51 13 Nov 2020

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What white lies were you told as a kid?

Image via Pixabay

"If you pull that face and the wind changes, you'll be stuck like that".

"If you stand too close to the telly, your eyes will go square".

They may just seem like little white lies but a new study has found that they could have majorly impacted you as an adult.

Research by China's Xinyang National University found that these little lies could affect the trust and relationships between adults and teenagers and even cause kids anxiety when they grow older.

They got 900 participants between the ages of 10 and 17 to tell them what lies were told to them as kids. Then, the volunteers completed a survey which assessed their anxiety levels and their 'parent-child attachement'.

They discovered that the attachment to parents was lower and anxiety levels were higher among those who'd been lied to as kids, LadBible reports. Girls were also more affected by the white lies than boys.

Lead author, Liu Meiting, explained that:

"Parenting through lying was positively associated with anxiety.

"Furthermore, girls who experienced parental lying had lower levels of attachment with their parents, whereas there was no significant difference in boys.

"This may be because boys have a higher tolerance for lying, and girls may be more emotionally reactive to their parents' behaviour.

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