The Den is searching for kids...

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The Den is searching for kids and grown ups to be part of the re-boot series

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:33 15 Oct 2020

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The Den is back! Image: RTE

Applications are open to 'individuals, couples, friends and families'.

In case you hadn't heard the news, everyone's favourite childhood show is coming back.

The Den is getting a reboot on RTÉ One and is coming back to screens next month.

And with the start date not far away, the show is looking for some boys, girls, and adults to take part.

Posting the application form online, RTÉ says they are looking for people who want to get their mug on the telly:

"Get your mug on the telly! The Den is back and we’re looking for fiercely competitive show-offs to take part in a new series of games and challenges live on air.

"We’re looking for individuals, couples, friends and families with oodles of confidence to compete for prizes and exclusive Den items that you won’t find anywhere else.

"If your family is embarrassingly competitive, if your housemates are always looking for a new challenge, if you and your partner are constantly point-scoring or if you feel that you alone could be our gameshow star, then we’d love to hear from you!"

Think you'd be a good fit? You can apply here.

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