Taoiseach says it's 'too early...

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Taoiseach says it's 'too early' to anticipate entire country moving to level 3

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:07 24 Sep 2020

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Health officials are meeting today to discuss further restrictions.

The Taoiseach says it's too early to anticipate the entire country moving to Level 3 of coronavirus restrictions.

Health officials are meeting today to decide if further measures are needed to stop the virus spreading.

There's growing concern over the trends in a number of counties, including Donegal, Louth and Waterford.

Taoiseach Michael Martin says the number of cases is rising too quickly in many areas.

''Certain counties are much lower than other counties, but there is a general trend across the country, he said.

''But that said, NPHET will advise in terms of both county specific recommendations, and ultimately on the national scene.

''But I think it's too early to anticipate''.

Additional acute beds.

Meanwhile an 900 additional acute beds are to be provided across the hospital system to help deal with demand over the winter.

A 600 million euro plan launched today aims to support the country through what will be one of the most challenging flu seasons on record.

The main focus of the plan is to build capacity in the system as well as a major drive to increase the uptake of the flu vaccine.

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