Did your name make the cut?
Met Éireann, in collaboration with the Met offices in the UK and the Netherlands, have released the list of names for the 2020/21 storm season.
Aiden, Bella and Christoph will begin the season, while Heulwen (Hail-wen) Ravi and Klaas are some more out there storm names we might see.
The list is part of the Name Our Storms scheme, which was developed to raise awareness of inclement weather prior to its arrival
Here's the full list for Ireland and the UK:
- Aiden
- Bella
- Christoph
- Darcy
- Evert
- Fleur
- Gavin
- Heulwen (Hail-wen)
- Iain
- Julia
- Klaas
- Lilah (Lyla)
- Minne
- Naia (N-eye-a)
- Oscar
- Phoebe
- Ravi
- Saidhbhín
- Tobias
- Veronica
- Wilson