All pubs could be reopening in...

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All pubs could be reopening in two weeks, say reports

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:42 8 Sep 2020

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Cabinet is meeting today.

All Irish pubs could be reopening in two weeks time, according to a report by the Irish Times.

Cabinet's expected to agree to a date when it meets this morning.

According to the Times, the government is likely to announce September 21st as the date.

The announcement comes after comes after strict draft guidelines for pubs that don't serve food to open safely were published at the weekend.

TD for Tipperary and member of the Rural Independent Group, Mattie McGrath, says publicans are sick and tired.

''I think its shocking treatment publicans have got and are still getting'', he said.

''There are rising levels of publicans who are just sick and tired of being backhanded and now are making their voices heard''.

Irish pubs have experienced the longest lock-down in Europe with publicans lobbying fiercely to get back to business.

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