Fifth of parents don't want th...

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Fifth of parents don't want their kids to go back to school over Covid fears

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:37 30 Jul 2020

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It's according to a survey by Barnardos.

A fifth of parents don't want their children to go back to school next month because they fear they'll get the coronavirus.

According to a Barnardos survey, 16% of parents don't want they kids to return to primary school.

And 21% of parents don't believe it's time for their children to return to secondary school.

Seven in ten parents of primary school children believe they don't have enough information about the return to school.

Immunologists believes secondary students should wear masks.

Meanwhile a leading immunologist believes secondary school students should wear face masks.

All students are set to return to school next month but face masks won't be mandatory.

Professor Luke O'Neill from Trinity College believes they should be for older students, in certain settings.

''Why shouldn't teenagers wear masks as they do when they're on the Dart or in the supermarket'', he said.
''And then the question because how often during the day should they wear the, and will learning be affected.
''But certainly it's another measure to use to keep everybody safe.
''The Germans seem to have a halfway house where you don't wear the mask in the classroom, but when you come out of the classroom you put the mask on immediately, and that seems to be a sensible approach to me''.

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