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The average age Irish people are leaving the nest is 27, study finds

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:31 10 Sep 2020

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Image: Flickr.

And men tend to stay longer than women.

New figures released by Eurostat have revealed that Irish people on average are waiting until the age of 27 to move out of their parents home.

That's slightly above the EU average which is 25 years of age.

The youngest age at which people leave the nest in the EU is in Sweden, with an average age of just Sweden 17.8 years, followed by Luxembourg at 20.1 years.

Croatians meanwhile are the oldest when they move out, at 31.8 years.

Image: Eurostat

The study also found that men stay longer at parental home than women do.

In almost all EU Member States, young women tended to leave the parental household earlier than men. The only exception was Luxembourg 20.3 years for women, compared with 20.0 years for men.

The largest differences between the genders was registered in Romania 25.7 years for women, compared with 30.3 for men.

According to Eurostat, the factors that influence a person leaving the parental household is often affected by whether or not young people are in a relationship with partner or studying, their level of financial independence, labour market conditions, the affordability of housing but also cultural particularities.

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