Gardaí examining detailed note...

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Gardaí examining detailed note found close to one of the deceased in Kanturk Co. Cork

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:12 28 Oct 2020

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Mark, Tadgh and Diarmuid O'Sullivan.

The note is reportedly nearly a dozen pages long.

Gardaí are examining a detailed note up to a dozen pages long which was found close to one of the three bodies in Co Cork in an apparent murder suicide.

The bodies of 59-year old Tadhg O'Sullivan and his sons Mark (26) and Diarmuid (23) were found with gunshot wounds on Monday near Kanturk.

Mark's body was discovered in his bedroom, while the bodies of Tadgh and Diarmuid were discovered in a field on the family's farm.

RTÉ reports the note was found on Diarmuid's body and is described as 'lengthy and detailed'.

It's also been reported that rifles found close to the bodies of Tadgh and Diarmuid were sent to Dublin for ballistic examination and Gardaí hope that the results of that, along with the post-mortem examination results, will help clarify the exact sequence of what happened to the three men.

Two of the post mortems have already taken place while the third examination is underway this afternoon.

It's believed Mark had been shot by one or both of the men but it’s unclear what happened after that.

Officers are investigating whether the suspected murder-suicide may have been triggered by a dispute over land.

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