Hairdressers and barbers expec...

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Hairdressers and barbers expected to be allowed to open early on June 29th

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:54 19 Jun 2020

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The National Public Health Emergency Team has also made recommendations on gyms, cinemas and wedding capacity.

It's expected that hairdressers and barbers will get the go ahead to open early on the 29th of June.

They were scheduled to open on July 20th but the government's expected to announce a further acceleration of the roadmap at a press conference this evening.

The National Public Health Emergency Team has also made recommendations to the government on gyms, cinemas and wedding capacity.

Dylan Bradshaw from the Dylan Bradshaw Salon in Dublin says they're ready and waiting:

''We've taken away every second station which gives the two metre space.

''Really the most important thing is and moving forward is to have face-wear protection, we have 10 cleaning spaces for clients around for clients and team around the salon''.

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