Galway has been named the frie...

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Galway has been named the friendliest city in Europe

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:57 22 Oct 2020

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And you'll be very familiar with number 2 as well.

Galway and Dublin have been named the top two most friendly cities in Europe, according a survey carried out by Condé Nast Traveller magazine.

Galways took the top spot, followed by Dublin.

"While Europe's best cities are often judged on their ancient history, intricate architecture, unrivalled art scenes or amazing restaurants, sometimes what makes a place so great are its people," the influential magazine said.

The top 10 is as follows: 

  1. Galway, Ireland
  2. Dublin, Ireland
  3. Valletta, Malta
  4. Oporto, Portugal
  5. Lisbon, Portugal
  6. Bologna, Italy
  7. Edinburgh, UK
  8. Reykjavik, Iceland
  9. Athens, Greece
  10. Helsinki, Finland

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