Two Donegal men found not guil...

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Two Donegal men found not guilty of the murder of a man in Australia

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:07 21 Sep 2020

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The case was in relation to an indecent form 2018.

Two men from Donegal have been acquitted of murder over the death of a homeless man in Australia.

23 year old Nathan Kelly and 25 year old Christopher McLaughlin were found not guilty over the death of Paul Tavelardis in Sydney.

The 66 year old died nine days after an altercation in Summer Hill in December 2018.

They had argued in the course of their trial that they never formed intent to kill or cause really serious harm and had responded to an attack by Mr Tavelardis.

The court heard that the men had been drinking for 12 hours in the lead up to the incident.

A jury today found them not guilty of murder and not guilty of manslaughter.

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