Donegal fisherman shares foota...

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Donegal fisherman shares footage of what it's like at sea during a storm

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:52 2 Nov 2020

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Image: Twitter@shaunmc

It takes some serious courage to brave those conditions!

Pretty much anywhere you went in Ireland was fairly miserable over the weekend, thanks mainly to the presence of Storm Aiden.

But while the majority of us were stuck inside, spare a thought for fisherman like Shaun McClenaghan who had to brave the rough seas.

Shaun took to social media yesterday to share what it's like on a boat at sea during an event like Storm Aiden, and we're sea sick just looking at it...

Posted on his Twitter account @shaunmc, the video shows terrifying waves forming as the boat sways about.

It takes something special to be able to brave those conditions...fair play!

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