Coca-Cola releases heartwarmin...

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Coca-Cola releases heartwarming Christmas ad directed by Oscar-winner Taika Waititi

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:05 11 Nov 2020

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Image: YouTube via Coca-Cola

This is the best one yet.

'Tis the season for Christmas ads and companies seem to be putting more and more effort into their productions each year...

Like Coca-Cola for example who've enlisted the help of Oscar winning director Taika Waititi, the man behind Thor: Ragnarok, JoJo Rabbit and The Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

The heartwarming clip tells the story of a father who leaves home to work on an oil rig, and is given a letter by his daughter to post to Santa.

However, he forgets to mail the letter out in time and instead is forced to deliver it to Santa himself, through very treacherous terrain.

When finally arrives at Santa's home he finds it's closed and hitches a ride back home from a Coca Cola trucker.

But when he arrives back home, he opens the letter to find that his daughter's only request from Santa was that her dad return home safely... nawww.

Check it out here:

Coca-Cola explained the meaning of the clip, called entitled The Letter:

“This Christmas, give something only you can give,” it said.

“Be it in person, over an awkward video call, or just a quick message, making time for the ones you love is what makes Christmas truly the most special time of year, no matter how you do it.

"Wherever you are, we hope you have a good one. Merry Christmas.''

Sadly though it was announced earlier this week that the annual Coca-Cola Christmas truck tour will not be happening this year, due to the pandemic.

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