Boy (17) sentenced to 7-and-a-...

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Boy (17) sentenced to 7-and-a-half years for killing teenager (18) last year

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:16 16 Nov 2020

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The sentence was handed down this evening.

A 17-year-old boy has been sentenced to seven and a half years in a Children's Detention Centre for killing an 18-year-old last year.

The boy, who can't be named because of his age, stabbed Azzam Raguragui  five times during a fight in a park in Dublin.

His trial heard the fight broke out over a stolen bike.

One witness described his friend, Azzam, being stabbed while he lay on the ground after slipping while being chased up a hill by the accused.

The boy was found not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter.

'Living in a graveyard'.

Earlier today at the boy's sentence hearing, Azzam’s father described his son as a “loving, kind and supportive” young man.

He said he remembered his last words to him as he left that day: “take care of yourself, son,” he said before Azzam hugged and kissed him for a last time.

While his mother said she’s now dying every day without him and feels like she’s living in a graveyard.

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