Unique fitness classes for dis...

I'm At Home

Unique fitness classes for disabled

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:02 1 May 2020

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The Aura Holohan Group have teamed up with the  Irish Wheelchair Association to launch an online home exercise programme to support people with disabilities.

Lots of people around the country are donning their lycra and bouncing around the sitting room to home workouts and many of the other home workouts promoted online through various gyms and fitness experts, which is keeping the nation active during lockdown.

However, spare a thought for many disabled people who are not getting out and about as often as they should and who also need to stay fit and healthy.

Thankfully this problem has been addressed by one of Ireland’s leading gym groups, The Aura Holohan Group, which operates over 15 leisure centres and gyms nationwide. They have teamed up with the Irish Wheelchair Association to launch an online home exercise programme to support people with disabilities.

Together they have designed unique fitness classes that are accessible for wheelchair users, people with limited mobility, and anyone who would benefit from chair-based exercise.

This innovative programme is reaching people with disabilities, an important audience for home-based classes.

Niamh Holohan, Group Communications Manager of the Aura Holohan Group said, “People with physical disabilities shouldn't be left out of the online fitness offering. We hope that by starting this programme with Irish Wheelchair Association, other gyms will follow suit so that fitness will become democratised and accessible to all.”

Irish Wheelchair Association’s frontline staff have been working tirelessly within local communities to ensure people with physical disabilities have the support and services they need to stay safe and well at home during this health crisis. The charity supports 4,000 people with physical disabilities every week in Ireland across a spectrum of needs.

If you or anyone you know could benefit from of these online fitness programmes, view them on the Aura Leisure website ‘Home Workouts’ page and across their social media channels @auraleisure.

To support Irish Wheelchair Association visit

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