Gift bags from Royal Wedding e...


Gift bags from Royal Wedding end up on eBay, just hours after the ceremony


11:33 13 Oct 2018

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One seller asked for bids of £1,000 offering buyers a chance to buy your very own piece of world history.

Source: Ebay (@iwishiwasharrypotter)

In the UK, as Princess Eugenie and her new husband begin their first full day as a married couple - gift bags from their wedding are up for sale online.

Wedding guests were all given a burgundy bag, which has the bride and groom’s first initials - E and J - on the front in gold font, as well as the date and wedding venue.

The goody bags included a chocolate coin, a biodegradable poncho, biscuits, a can of water and a magnet.

Celebrities like Robbie Williams and Ellie Goulding attended yesterday's ceremony

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Ebay Goody Bags Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding