Mum's the word with its4women....


Mum's the word with


05:18 3 Mar 2016

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Mum's The Word

Mum’s the word on iRadio this week!

We’ve teamed up with to find out the fibs you’ve told your mother because, let’s be honest, we all pull the wool over our mammies’ eyes to keep the peace every now and again.

All this week on iWork with Simon Murdoch, we had you fess up and tell us tell us the little lies you’ve told your mum throughout the years.

Every day we picked a winner who's fib was THAT BAD we felt their mum definitely deserved €200 to spend on herself in Kildare Village...and now you get to pick which deserves the €1000 Kildare Village gift card!

Check out our winning fibs below, and vote for the mum you think deserves it more....winner will be announced tomorrow on iWork..

Don’t live your life on hold; insurance is on web, on demand and on the go. It’s time to... OWN it.

Aileen Holland: 

"I would always ensure I was well covered up going to the Junior Disco in Roscommon so Mammy wouldn't think I was wearing anything too revealing. Of course once we got there I would change into something way more 'classy'.. and maybe a little shorter. What's even worse is that we would take pics of ourselves in the original clothes, and show mammy these pics so she wouldn't see us in the outfit we were actually wearing. "

Claire Rigney

"When I was younger and didn't want to go to school, I used to put my forehead up against the radiator and pretend I was sick because I knew the first thing my Mam would check for was a high temperature... It worked!"

Aaron Touhy

"When I was in school I was running out of ways to get a day off so I decided to try something I knew they could not doubt a severe headache... Of course this worked all to well and I exploited my new found favourite way to get a day off as time went on the headaches became more "frequent" until eventually my mother got worried and took me to the doctors and then the hospital I was brought in for scans and tests and had doctors baffled I started to worry I'd get caught and in trouble the headaches went away all of a sudden and to this day everyone is still scratching their heads about my "phantom illness" "

Sinead Walsh

"I told my mam that I was doing after school maths classes twice a week as I had failed maths, but I was actually going into town with the girls. She still does not know to this day, 10 years later!"

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