Connacht Gold


Connacht Gold


05:12 3 Mar 2016

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Connacht Gold Protein Milk gives you 25g of protein in every bottle.....

So this week on The Lift, we are giving you more!

We want you to reach for gold, and possibly win some cash!

Check in with us every day from 2:50pm to hear how you can win!

Check out the Connacht Gold FB page for more info

and their website for all you need to know about the benefits of protein and Connacht Gold Protein Milk

Some fun tips and life hacks to help you live an active lifestyle..for all of you going for gold everyday!

  • Every 500ml bottle of Connacht Gold Protein milk contains 25g of protein which is the optimal serving to aid muscle repair, growth & maintenance.
  • It has all the same benefits of fresh milk, just with extra protein, Low in fat and no added sugar
  • Drink before or after sport or anytime throughout the day to ensure you are getting enough protein in your diet e.g. On your breakfast cereal or with your porridge, in smoothies, with your lunch, or on the go


  • Protein must be replaced daily.   Protein-milk1
  • It helps your body repair itself after injury
  • Protein aids muscle development & strength
  • It is essential for healthy hair, skin and nails
  • It keeps the immune system functioning properly


  • Find a fitness friend

Team up with your fitness buddy and work out, run, train together. You can help each other stay motivated and have a bit of fun at the same time!

  • Create a playlist

Have all of your favourite upbeat pumping tunes at the ready to help you keep going.

  • Get enough protein

Drink Connacht Gold Protein milk every day to help you be at your best and help your body to recover after a session.

  • Get enough sleep

Your body cant preform at its best if you are tired and it’s really hard to stay motivated if all you can think about it taking a nap! Get enough z’s!

  • Bring lunch to work

Take your lunch to work and you might be able to free up a half an hour of your lunch break to get out for a walk or jog. Every little bit helps!

  • Wear the right runners

There is nothing worse than getting yourself out that trying to stay focused when all you can think about is that blister on your heel!

  • Keep it short

Don’t head out on a mammoth session if you’re not used to it. You will only end up burning out and it will be ten times harder to head out again the next time. Know your limit and build it up gradually.

  • Preparation is key!

Eat well, be rested, schedule the time in and wear the right footwear! Give yourself the best possible start..

  • Push yourself

If you think you cant do anymore, do a little more. That’s when you are making progress and that’s when you are bettering yourself. And enjoy the sense of achievement.

  • Go for gold! -Set yourself an achievable target

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