Some ways to help your transition from the desk to the couch.
For the majority of us, we're living in unprecedented times.
Many organisations have asked employees to work remotely in an attempt to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 spread.
If you've never worked from home, this can be a challenge.
So here are few tips on how you can settle into your new work life, at home.
1. Start a new daily routine.
Working from home is a big change to your work day. There's no need to try and pretend it's not.
So maybe start a new morning routine for yourself.
Say if you usually had a long commute into work, use your new found free time to catch up on the latest developments with the whole situation.
Have you had your eye on a new podcast series? Get your brain going before work by listening to that for half an hour before you start.
2. Stick to your regular work-day schedule.
Whether you work 9am-5pm, 1pm-9pm or 6am-2pm, stick to those hours to help keep your work-life balance on track.
This is helpful to your colleagues as well as your body clock.
3. Take your breaks.
Your company will most likely have a policy on taking breaks.
If it's a full hour for lunch, take it.
A lunch hour and two 15-minute breaks is a great way to keep focused for the entirety of a work day.
And hey ,if you take an extra 5-minutes here or there...who's going to know?
4. Keep in touch with your work bestie.
Working from home can get lonely at times.
If you're used to having a laugh with your colleagues during the day, make sure you keep in touch.
Creating an isolation WhatsApp group that's just about the regular office banter, is a great way to feel connected and included.
5. Take advantage of the situation.
Would you love to destroy a block of chocolate at work sometimes but feel you'll be judged? The judgement is gone.
Would you love to blast heavy metal all day from your desk? Do it.
Want to spend the day in your comfiest set of PJ's? They're the latest fashion.
Have a particularity garlic heavy lunch planned? Microwave away guilt free.
6. Keep an eye on each other.
These are unprecedented times, so make sure you check in to see how your workmates are getting on.
Something as simple as, 'how are you keeping?' could really make a difference so someone's day.
7. Turn on the radio.
Ok, we might be biased here... But it's proven that radio is one of Ireland's favourite companions.
If you usually listen at work, hearing your favourite presenters and songs will help you keep some sense of normality.
Plus the added benefit of hearing all the latest updates on the virus situation.
We know a great station if you're stuck...
8. Mark your own territory.
If you're in isolation with your family or housemates, be sure to claim a patch of the house for yourself.
Assume you will be interrupted at times, but ask the others in the house if they can respect your work space as much as possible.
And yes, we are aware that no single 3-year-old in the world will adhere to this.
9. Go easy on yourself.
Working from home is a big transition! It might be that early on you aren't as productive as you'd usually be...
You might feel lonely, isolated, stressed, frustrated, anxious, or unmotivated... But give yourself time to adjust! You'll get used to it.
10. End with a routine.
Just as you should start your day with a routine, finish it with one.
If it's moving yourself into another room for the final half hour to start winding down.
Getting a home workout in or taking the dog for a walk (while adhering social distancing advice) are great ways to symbolically end the working day.